Looking For Quality Wholesome Entertainment?
Our Studio Makes The Movies You Want For
Ultimate Family Fun Movie Nights

Looking For Quality Wholesome Entertainment?
Our Studio Makes The Movies You Want For
Ultimate Family Fun Movie Nights

Helping you enjoy the ultimate in family fun with zero worries about your kids' innocence is our specialty. Industrious Family Films tells good stories that are always entertaining and never preachy - reclaiming the art of filmmaking one wholesome movie at a time.

Meet Mary Bowen, our creative director and Faustina Bowen, our production director and script writer. This sister team is the creative talent behind our two feature length films: Outlaws of Ravenhurst and Grisly Grisell.

These young ladies are dedicated to bringing you quality entertainment without any questionable material. Just good, clean family fun.

Audiences Want Movies That Inspire

Mass media and the big entertainment conglomerates want to corrupt the minds of children throughout the world. Audiences are rejecting such films.

Recent developments prove that movies can be distributed to theaters all across the world independent of Hollywood. Big names and people of influence have taken a stand and have said "No" to the corruption in the film industry. We are adding our voice to theirs and helping build the parallel entertainment movement.

Technology and an ever increasing public outcry are on our side. God's hand is on this movement and we know that telling stories changes hearts.

At Industrious Family all we do is for the greater glory of God, and we are confident that He will bless our moviemaking endeavors.

Nicholas Cardinal Wiseman's FABIOLA Comes To The Big Screen

Nicholas Cardinal Wiseman's FABIOLA Comes To The Big Screen

Our next project is the full-length film FABIOLA based on the novel by Nicholas Patrick Cardinal Wiseman - who said it best, "may the Church, in her days of peace and of victories, never forget what she owes to the age of her martyrs...we are indebted to it."

We have not forgotten and are bringing this touching story to life in our next full length film.

Now is the time for stories like FABIOLA to be told. Now more than ever we have the chance to reclaim the art of story telling through cinema, the most powerful media in the world.

As earlier stated we don't need giant corrupt conglomerates to get our movies distributed on a large scale but we do need funding. A scene from FABIOLA has already been released as the first step toward funding.

Watch it now on the FABIOLA page! 

Stream Wholesome Entertainment On Industrious Family Theater

Stream family-friendly content on Industrious Family Theater now!

MB and F at GG Showing B&W

How You Can Make A Movie That's Appeasing Not Only To The Eye But Also The Soul

Of course many young people in our audience want to make movies of their own and we want to share this art with you. We have written a 16 lesson e-course for beginner filmmakers called the Movie Production Guide.

This guide takes you step by step through pre-production, production and post production so you and your children can start your own movie project taking family fun to the next level.

Learn how to write a setting that works, how to lift content from books legally, create a project budget, tackle stage fright, and even how to apply a natural makeup look for stage and screen. Once post-production is complete, celebrate your project by throwing an Old-Hollywood-inspired premiere party!

Keep in mind that your first movies do not need to be full length with all the exciting costumes and sets. Start small.

Our first few films were all short films. In addition to our kids' historical shorts, you can watch our shorts about the life of a saint for inspiration on the how simple your first films can be. We are currently expanding a section on comedy where you can view our comedy shorts as well as learn a little grammar.

Our Film Festivals provide opportunities for you to submit your films, get constructive criticism on your films, and watch other independent films!

Learn more about the upcoming Industrious Family Film Festival!

Add To Your Catholic Movies Library By Ordering A Copy Of Industrious Family Films' Movies Today

Outlaws of Ravenhurst movie poster

Many moms and dads would define family fun as the opportunity to pop some popcorn, gather in the living room, and turn on positive entertainment that is engaging and contains nothing objectionable.

Our DVD copies are perfect for these fun movie nights where you can sit back, relax and enjoy morally good entertainment.

Physical copies of Industrious Family Films movies are available for purchase in our Catholic Movie Store.

Outlaws of Ravenhurst is based on the beloved novel by Sr. M. Imelda Wallace. Grisly Grisell is inspired by A Tale of The Wars of The Roses by Charlotte Yonge, one of our favorite authors of books for tween girls

Reminding Us Of Our Past And Encouraging Us To Hope In The Future, Come What May, Outlaws Of Ravenhurst Is The Full Length Movie That Shows The Courage Of A 10-Year-Old Boy During The Bloody Protestant Revolt In Scotland.

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History Double Feature Pelayo & Max and Carlota

Teaching Us That Beauty Indeed Is More Than Skin Deep, Grisly Grisell Is A Full Length Tale Highlighting That Nothing Is More Attractive Than A Virtuous Soul

Other films produced by the team include the 20 minute short Max & Carlota which tells the story of the tragic end of Maximillian von Hapsburg and the 2nd Mexican Empire, and Pelayo an 8 minute short about the valiant battle fought between the Moors and Visigoths when Pelagius of Asturias defended Christendom against great odds.

Experience the tragedy of the second Mexican empire through the short film Max and Carlota

Pelayo is a short film on the hero of the Asturias Mountains, of Spain and of all Christendom

We also have soundtracks and singles for saleEnd credits and closing songs have long been popular with audiences and we are excited to be able to provide our movie music!

Telling Enduring Stories
Is An Important Element
Of Reclaiming Christian Art

Telling Enduring Stories Is An Important
Element Of Reclaiming Christian Art

Not long ago, Archbishop Viganó called on Catholics to reclaim and rebuild Christian art, something that has been mostly stolen and destroyed. 

The “New Evangelization” is nothing new but actually Catholic Action. Popes all throughout the ages have called on Catholics to practice Catholic Action.

We are fulfilling that call by making wholesome entertainment in the moviemaking industry.

It's the same effort, we're just using new means.

Good stories allow you to enjoy true family fun while eliminating all the fuss that comes with sanitizing Hollywood productions by watching our always captivating, never preachy movies. The inspiration for these films springs from our deeply rooted Catholic values and beliefs.

Good stories from history come alive in our movies. Children love learning from these heroes of our past.

Why we are breathing life into good stories so that our children gain
confidence by relating to the past.

We're not the only ones creating positive entertainment.

We love movies and want to let you know what other movies we recommend watching. Our family movie guide provides reviews for dozens of good movies for movie night. We also have scoured the internet to bring you independent films produced by other Christian movie makers on our family streaming service, Industrious Family Theater!

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Stay in the loop by subscribing to The Journal, our newsletter, with insider information about our movies, project updates, new releases, showings and more. Sign up is free and we will never share your information with anyone else.

Another fun way to stay up to date with our filmmaking is to sign up for our RSS and bookmark this page. This RSS will let you know as soon as we post anything to our blog.

#RebuildChristianArt Blog serves as a fun resource where families are encouraged to embrace Christian art and culture. Read about beautiful films, music, novels, food and customs that help reconstruct the social fabric by checking out this blog here...

Enjoy your visit and come back often. We are always building new pages and creating new movies. See you around!

"Hey, hey, Holywood, here we come!"


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#RebuildChristianArt Blog

An aid for families encouraging the reconstruction of the social fabric by sparking interest in Christian art and culture. Find beautiful novels, films, music, food and customs. 


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