Subscribe to Industrious Family Theater a Catholic streaming service, where you can enjoy streaming Catholic movies. Stream authentically Catholic full-length movies, short films, and more from Industrious Family Films and other Catholic studios here...
Subscribe to Industrious Family Theater a Catholic streaming service, where you can enjoy streaming Catholic movies. Stream authentically Catholic full-length movies, short films, and more from Industrious Family Films and other Catholic studios here...
You can purchase DVDs of our movies and CDs of their soundtracks.
Your purchase helps us make future Catholic movies.
Short films are bundled together in our HISTORY Double Feature. Contact us if you'd like bulk pricing.
Music Forge is our composer and we are proud to offer digital files of the music from our films.
I was SO VERY impressed with your latest production: Pelayo.
I have been watching your progress and am quite stunned with the astounding improvement covered in each area--screenplay, story line, acting, audio etc...Keep up the amazing work!
-Elizabeth V., Missouri
My grandchildren were riveted watching Outlaws Of Ravenhurst...I think what appeals to them is the holy themes and knowing that real children were acting. They could appreciate the filmmaking and really entered into the movie. I haven't seen them do this with flashy, modern movies.
-Stacy P., Arizona
My young family and myself all very much enjoyed Grisly Grisell.
The plot themes of steadfast love, true beauty of the heart, and the motivations of sinister characters brought out a deep inquisitiveness in my children. So pleased to enjoy a wholesome story!
-Kathleen M., Idaho
"One of the most touching stories of courage, love and devotion ever written."
-Angelus Press book review
During the War of the Roses, the Red Rose's Copeland family enters a marriage contract between their brash son, Leonard, and the White Rose's Grisell Dacre, beginning a microcosm of the English Civil War.
After a horrific accident in which Grisell is wounded at the hand of Leonard, she is left so disfigured that she is no longer marriageable thereby ending the betrothal.
Teaching us that beauty is indeed more than skin deep, Grisell's virtues shine through and transform her disfigured countenance which in the end wins the heart of the most unexpected hero who undergoes a transformation of his own.
Grisly Grisell is a Catholic movie your entire family will enjoy and be pleased to add to your family DVD library. Learn More...
$19.99 + $3.49 Shipping
"The best part of this movie for me as a dad is the message. My son was hit hard by the importance, the greatness of the Eucharist, and how precious is the Blood of the King of Kings."
-Diego Serrano, Mexico
In colonial America, George Abell is happily living the simple life of a farmer's son. His estranged uncle, Sir Roger, whisks him off to Scotland and attempts to force him to be the much longed for Protestant Earl of Ravenhurst. Matters get desperate when Sir Roger and his sly comrade, Godfrey, cannot change the Gordon's Faith.
Filled with heroes, sword fights, castles and secret passages, this story tells of the heroic stand of a ten-year- boy and his outlawed clan of Ravenhurst.
Based on the beloved novel by Sr. M. Imelda Wallace, Outlaws of Ravenhurst takes place in 1641 in the wake of the bloody Protestant Revolt when Catholics in Scotland were denied the right to true worship of God.
It reminds us of our past and encourages us to hope in the future, come what may. Learn More...
$19.99 + $3.49 Shipping
"Although the past is gone it is not dead for it is teeming with stories of gallantry...The present world needs these examples of excellence, enticing us to dare to reach for what we might otherwise have considered unthinkable."
-James Fitzhenry, Catholic Author
The film Max & Carlota is sold as a dual pack with the short film Pelayo. Enjoy these two historical shorts on one DVD with many bonus features. Total run time is approximately 110 minutes.
Included are several speech tracks and music from the two movies.
Maximilian von Hapsburg's idealistic world sees its dawn when he is asked by France to establish a monarchy in Mexico. His wife, Carlota encourages him to take the throne and free Mexico from both debt and tyranny.
After support from France is withdrawn and the president is on the rise, Max and Carlota must fight separate battles to save their adopted country.
After pouring out the last of their strengths, the forgotten hero and heroine fall to their complete destruction only to be brought back to life by Anne Carroll and Industrious Family Films.
Based on the true story about the establishment of the Second Mexican Empire in 1864, it is a tale torn between loyalty and betrayal, brotherly love and hate, Catholic monarchy and Liberal democracy.
In the year 722 A.D. Spain is suffering under Muslim conquest. These Moors come from Africa to set up a paradise on earth and the favorable climate of Spain is where they choose to build it.
But Pelayo and his small band of 300 men will do everything possible to win an impossible victory and save their Christian culture.
Although defeating the Muslims with a very small force was seemingly impossible, Pelayo and his Visigoth warriors had the faith of children in their Mother and fought the battle despite insurmountable odds.
This is much like the impossible battles we face in our world today. Although we do not physically go to war, we should apply the same warfare that Pelayo used against his enemies: trust in God and devotion to His Mother.
This Catholic short film will intrigue the whole family, leading them to learn more about the first inspiring stand of Spain against Muslim invasion. This marks one of the most heroic stands in the history of Christendom.
$19.99 + $3.49 Shipping
The Pelayo soundtrack is unique from the other two soundtracks by Music Forge because of its powerfully impactful feel of rising tension beautifully portrayed through strings and battle bugles.
Get the Pelayo soundtrack as a digitally downloaded file on your preferred music service.
We are so excited to share with you this song which makes use of the Spanish words to the Hail Mary, the prayer that was said over and over again and won the battle of Lepanto eight centuries after Pelayo’s stand.
Get "Santa Maria" as a digitally downloaded file on your preferred music service.
Music Forge, composing as Bjorn Erikson, really out did themselves with this moving Max & Carlota soundtrack.
This original score contains five tracks with a complete run time of eighteen minutes.
Listen for the character themes as well as the stirring battle music plus support for Max's speech in this great CD. All instrumental.
$10.99 + $3.49 Shipping
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