I was recently at a friend's house and I was presented coffee in a St. Patrick coffee mug. While sitting with my friend, I noticed that she had a St. Therese coffee cup. Later I realized that my friend's cupboard was only filled with coffee mugs which reminded one of a heroic or saintly life from the past.
Throughout my stay, I referred to my cup as the "St. Patrick mug".
We are creating a coffee mug line all of our own filled with saints as well as Catholic heroes from the past. Browse through our selection and proceed to our online store to order your own set of #CatholicHero coffee mugs.
Whichever coffee mug you decide to buy, you can look forward to these great features.
If you follow any of the links on this page, you will be directed to our Perter's Square store. Although you will leave our site, the mugs are all designed by us and we are the ones making the sale and fulfilling the orders. Happy coffee mug shopping!
Inspiring today’s Catholic hero with our own movie merch. Enjoy this 15 oz #CatholicHero Pelayo mug!
Remember the day that Our Lady saved Spain with a fearless leader and only 300 men against the Moors.
Mug features Pelayo from our own short film and a quote lifted from Fr. Edward Garesché, “You have within you the stuff of heroes.”
Inspiring today’s Catholic hero with this 15 oz #CatholicHero Winged Hussar mug!
Commemorate the 1683 September 11th victory of Christendom over the Turks in Vienna (and the first time that coffee was introduced to Europe)!
Mug features a Polish winged hussar whose wings made such a noise as they rushed on the Turks that it frightened the enemy who fled the field.
Quote lifted from Fr. Edward Garesché, “You have within you the stuff of heroes.”
Inspiring today’s Catholic hero with this 15 oz #CatholicHero Swiss Guard mug!
They may be one of the world’s smallest armies but the attitude and discipline of the Papal Swiss Guard ensure Vatican security which is only broken with the seal of their lives. Remember the last stand of the Swiss Guard during the French Revolution and honor the unshakable courage of the Papal Swiss Guard.
Mug features two bright Guards facing the Fr. Edward Garesché's quote, “You have within you the stuff of heroes.”
Inspiring today’s Catholic hero with this 15 oz #CatholicHero Marie Antoinette mug!
One of the things most remembered about this heroic Catholic Queen were the words that were actually coined by Benjamin Franklin, “Let them eat cake.” The 200 year old smear over this #CatholicHero is similar to the attack against Queen Isabella of Spain. What should have been remembered about this beautiful princess was her self-sacrificing nature, “Were that I were the only victim.” She was beheaded in her 37th year by the atheistic mob without the comfort of being allowed to make her last confession.
Quote lifted from Fr. Edward Garesché, “You have within you the stuff of heroes.”
Inspiring today’s Catholic hero with this 15 oz "Resist Until It Hurts" mug!
Like the Catholic Resistance during the French Revolution, today we also need to fight against the modernist one world order until it hurts.
Mug features the painting of a Catholic Vendean and words lifted from a speech given by Fr. James Mawdsley, "Resist until it hurts."
Featuring the work of a very talented Catholic artist, this Sacred Heart of Jesus mug will remind you of His immense love for us.
On back of mug there is the quote, "Behold This Heart Which Has So Loved Men"
Featuring the work of a very talented Catholic artist, let this Saint Patrick mug stir your Irish pride for the "Saint of the Emerald Isle".
On back of mug there is St. Patrick's breastplate:
Christ with me, Christ before me,
Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
Featuring the work of a very talented Catholic artist, this Saint Isaac Jogues mug will inspire you with the martyrdom of the "Pioneer of the Cross and of the New World."
These Jesuit martyrs watered the Faith of the American frontier with their martyrdoms. They demonstrated an unbeatable love for suffering, love for their tormentors, and finally, love for God. Pictured here is the most famous of the martyrs, Saint Isaac Jogues.
On the reverse side is quoted John 15:13, "Greater love than this no man hath, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
Featuring the work of a very talented Catholic artist, this Saint Nicholas mug will bring warmth and delight to the hearts of all who love Christmas.
On the reverse side, "Prepare your hearts" reminds coffee and hot chocolate drinkers alike that this is a special time to prepare for the coming of Christ and that being good leading up to Christmas isn't just about making it to the "nice" list!
When Esther was called upon to save her people, her cousin Mardochai told her that perhaps she was made queen "for such a time as this".
On this mug are three strong women who were called upon to do difficult things to save a nation and who responded with heroic sacrifice. Commemorate these beautiful women and think of their strength every time you drink your morning coffee.
Featured on this mug are Judith with the sword she used to cut off the head of Holofernes, Our Lady, Queen of Martyrs, and Queen Esther who stood with her people even in the face of almost certain death.
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Mar 24, 25 01:31 PM
Mar 24, 25 10:50 AM
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