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Christmas Crafts For The Whole Family

Christmas crafts play a major role in Christmas traditions. Below you will find our family's favorite crafts along with materials needed, resources, and instructions. Have fun crafting with your children!

Advent ornaments are our favorite Christmas craft. These are also known as Jesse tree ornaments. You can make these out of any medium you wish. When the children we little, we used construction paper and glitter and taped them to our windows.

Now we make more elaborate ornaments and hang them on a Jesse Tree. Read more about these ornaments here...

1. Countdown To Christmas Crafts

Christmas Crafts

This craft is very simple and works well with little children from preschool to early grade school years. The one pictured above was made by our 2 1/2 year old. She loves it and carries it around. I did the cutting but she colored it and enjoys gluing down the cottonballs to the cloud.

Download an angel, print and color.
Cut and glue angel and wings on to cardboard.
Cut all parts plus a triangular shaped stand from card board.
Draw a large cloud about the size of a piece of paper. Glue and cut from cardboard as you did the angel.
Write numbers one through 24 onto the cloud.
Put 24 cottonballs into a ziplock bag and glue one each day from December 1st until Christmas Eve.

2. Straw Box

Prepare for Christmas

Straw boxes are placed on family altars where the "straw" can be removed each time a sacrifice is made and placed in the manger to pillow baby Jesus on Christmas morning.

With last year's Christmas cards or pretty paper, write the child's name. Attach a chain of yellow construction paper to the card.

3. Advent Prayers Placemats


Using contact paper, Christmas cards, stickers and other embellishments, create a place mat for each member of the family. Print off the our printable Advent wreath prayers. Cut them out. Cut out pictures from old Christmas cards. Lay these out in a nice place mat size arrangement.

After you have it set up, lay a piece of clear contact paper sticky side up on the table. Arrange your cards and prayers on it. Add your embellishments then carefully put another piece of contact paper on top.

4. Rudolf Foot Print

Cute Christmas Crafts

Baby's first Christmas? Want it to be special? Here is a fun craft that will be enjoyed for years.

Place baby's foot in a tray full of brown paint, stamp to a piece of fabric. Add antlers and nose. Lightly stuff and sew to another piece of fabric creating a pillow. Add baby's name and date.

Christmas crafts help you focus on Advent and preparing for Christ's coming at Christmas. I hope you try out a few of these crafts with your children this Advent season.

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