The closest you can get to feeling the fun that actually goes on on set is seeing the photo reels from a film. That's why we have this Cyprian and Justina photo gallery. Enjoy the photos and see what sort of fun we really do have behind the scenes.
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Have fun with our Cyprian and Justina photo gallery!
Everyone loves seeing the bloopers to their favorite movies. Here is the The Martyrdoms of Sts. Cyprian and Justina blooper reel. Enjoy!
We also recorded an acting interview that covers how the actors and director felt about the film, some of the struggles they had with it and even how it developed from the first idea.
Watch the actor interview here.
View the trailer for the film here.
The Martyrdoms of Sts. Cyprian and Justina is now only available on the Industrious Family Films App. Download the app and subscribe to the "Watch" feature to see the film!
Question: The first question I have is actually for Michael as the Director. This is the second time you filmed this movie, right?
Michael: Yes, the first time we filmed it was probably 2017, a couple years ago.
Question: So what's it like filming it the second time, with improved sets and improved costume, having the same actors in some spots and recasted roles in other spots? What's it like as a director to see the film played twice differently?
Michael: It was very interesting to see the way we just put more time into it. Like the first time we had toys laying around and stuff. Just not very professional it was just me and the two boys at the time, most of the time. And so you know that was pretty interesting. It was also interesting to see the roles that I'd written for other actors have different actors. So that was actually also very interesting.
Question: So was there any memorable scenes or days that you'd like to share with us?
Faustina: I would say that the scene that I remember doing the most even though I wasn't actually in the scene was when Agladius is betrayed and his servant guy is leading the soldiers to the house of Agladius and I remember that I was recording and how we actually did it so that we were following the soldiers walking up and then we turned and we showed Declan who was Marcus. I just thought that was like really good cinematic clip that we were able to do. Yeah, so I was glad to be part of that.
Question: How about you, Becket?
Becket: When we were filming the very first scene, all the little kids were just kind of going everywhere and making a lot of noise. So Mary sent them out to play with dress-up clothes and Patrick was for sure that Mom would not be happy with them playing with dress-up clothes in the shed. Then in the end I think Mom figured out that they were playing with dress-up clothes. So it was just funny that Patrick refused to act because they were playing dress-up clothes.
Question: Becket, is there anything in your character that struck you as interesting.
Becket: He was a sorcerer so that was the most interesting. What else is interesting besides the sorcerer.
Question: How about you, Faustina?
Faustina: I thought it was interesting that she was actually kind of like the only Christian out of the characters. There also wasn't very much to build her character off of since she has so few lines. But it was interesting to try to think up a story about her and try to really become her even though there wasn't very much to base it off of.
Question: Something that might actually surprise our audience is that, Becket, you did not like your role of playing Cyprian. So, what what was it that you didn't like about him and what made you decide to just kind of push through even though you weren't enjoying yourself very much?
Becket: I didn't like it because his role in the beginning half is so strange. Like he's a sorcerer and he has to go find this lady for this dude. It just all doesn't really jive with what the way I would do things. So I didn't really want to do it and then I just powered through because you know I was like "This is what I do. So there's nothing else to do. Mom wants me to do it, everyone else wants me to do it, so I'll just do it."
Question: So you really didn't like the awkwardness of his role?
Becket: It was very awkward, yeah.
Question: Did you like your role, Faustina?
Faustina: Yeah. She was interesting. Like I already said, there was really not very much to base her off of so it was a pleasure to me to be able to try to create her and make her come alive even though there wasn't very much of a story to go off of.
Question: Do either one of you have any funny stories you just want to share from the set or anything?
Becket: There was one scene when the other kids just kept getting inside of the goat pen. And it was just killing me to watch them get inside the goat pen because I was in charge of the goats and I didn't want them in the goat pen and then they started chasing the goats in circles and they were kind of new still and Mom didn't want us chasing them and they were just chasing them in circles. And that was driving me crazy.
Faustina: And then they're making a ton of noise.
Becket: Yes, it was like quite unset and everything's quiet and then a goat bleating. So that was one of the funnier stories.
Faustina: My funny story is actually the execution scene. We were filming and I was leaning over one straw bale and it was going to appear as though my head was being chopped off and there was a bail in front of me that the ax was actually falling on. And all of a sudden I'm leaning over it and I'm just like, "What if he accidentally hits the top of my head?" Like I'm sure it was enough of a distance but when you can't see it's hard to judge how far it is and so then all of a sudden I'm overthinking this hospital visit and how we're gonna explain what the heck we were doing and I just like "This is so stupid. Why are we doing this?" Then the ax fell and I was fine. So that's why my execution wasn't very impressive. It's because I was actually really way overthinking. I know Becket really jumped made it look realistic like his head was off but I was just like, "Oh! Don't hit me!"
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