Fantastic Retelling of a Beautiful Story

Recently I watched Grisly Grisell for the first time and found it a wonderful movie! The story is very touching, focusing on the beauty of forgiveness and true love. Mary and Faustina Bowen did a marvelous job of bringing this story to life through the medium of film. The screenplay, acting, and musical score were all amazing and complemented eachother very well. The script was interesting and even humorous; there were many lines and characters that made me laugh!

I was delighted with all the brilliant acting talent displayed by the young actors in this film. I was especially impressed with the acting in the scene where Sir Leonard must choose to marry Grisell. It was quite realistic and well done.

I couldn’t write a review of Grisly Grisell without remarking how much I liked the musical score, particularly the credits song Love is a Beauty. It was well written and really expresses the themes of the film’s story.

Thank you, Industrious Family Films, for giving us great Catholic movies!

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May 31, 2023
More Great Catholic Movies Coming Right Up
by: The Industrious Family

Wow. Thank you for your review.

The scene you mentioned is one of our favorite scenes as well. Making the noose and having it open the scene seems to have done the trick of showing the horrible choice before Sir Leonard.

Love is a Beauty is available as a single. Music Forge never disappoints. His soundtracks are an indispensable contribution to our movies.

Your nice comments are much appreciated.

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