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5 Fiber Art Handicrafts For The Whole Family To Learn And Enjoy

Fiber art is a hobby that every member of the family can enjoy. Whether it's crochet, weaving or shearing angoras there is something in it for everyone.

My flirting with the Charlotte Mason education model at least had one lasting impact and that was implementing a handicraft program in my homeschool. What a wonderful thing! I'm so grateful we pursued fiber art handicrafts.

From animal husbandry to learning about different cultural traditions, learning fiber arts will bless your family with hours of wholesome productive fun.

Go ahead, pick one of these five areas to learn more and get your family's handicrafts going.


A great aunt taught the children how to crochet several years ago, and they have never put down the hooks since. Our favorite projects to crochet are baskets, hats, sweaters, decorations and toys! 

We have found the best resources for learning to crochet, where to buy crochet supplies, and links to fun easy patterns.

Caring For Angora Rabbits

It all started with an Angora rabbit. When our children wanted pets, we decided to encourage productive pets. That is how we acquired our first Angora. He wasn't a very high quality animal so immediately our daughter decided she needed to earn some money to buy a higher quality rabbit.

We knew there was an Angora rabbitry nearby so Bee-Jay called and chatted with the owner. The breeder was so impressed with this 13 year-old's maturity and interest in angoras that she sold her a great buck for the $60 dollars that BeeJay had saved.

BeeJay learned all about these fluffy critters from this wonderful breeder. As a part of homeschooling, BeeJay "narrated" all she learned in essays. She submitted some of these to the Countryside magazine and has become quite the expert in her own right.

Learn all about Angora rabbits and how to care for them...

Weaving With A Floor Loom

We learned weaving because a wonderful lady gave us her floor loom. She knew about our angoras and our love for crochet. She also liked seeing the costumes we made. Her aunt made the floor loom out of red wood. The loom is fun and it is rewarding to create fabric.

From a cultural standpoint it is very interesting to study weaving.

Working with our loom is always fun. Mr. B and an older child make the warp. The little kits cut the material in strips and sew them together and we all take turns running the loom and the shuttle. Mr. B and the bigger boys are best at running the loom because it takes some serious muscles. 

Check out our step by step guide on how to use a floor loom. 


Countless costumes, home decor, doll clothes, apparel and even bras, we love playing with fabrics and creating role play and everyday wardrobes.

Get your kids an inexpensive sewing machine and let them explore. Throw in a few Craftsy classes and you will be impressed how much your children learn.

Hand Spinning Wool

Hand-spinning fiber is a fun family pastime. We became very interested in drop spinning because of our Angora rabbits. It is a very relaxing activity for all ages. It is fun to take raw wool from an animal and then turn it into a product that can be made into things like sweaters and blankets. 

Learning to handspin is easy.

Fiber Art For All

Learning handicrafts was an important part of the bigger picture for our children's education. Teaching little ones to entertain themselves while making useful things has been rewarding and well worth the investment.

For us this searching for handicrafts has developed into a love for fiber arts. Mom, Dad, girls and even the boys enjoy these activities.

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