Bringing the entire family together to play fun family games is a great way to spend time together. These games can take form in multiple ways. Fun family games can include outdoor field games, board games, card games or even spending time indoors on rainy days.
Handball and Dodgeball are some of our favorite fun family games that are good for children (and adults!) Getting out in the fresh air increases alertness while playing team sports develops social skills. Being physically active helps with coordination and a general feeling of wellbeing, plus it elevates a child's self esteem. Playing team sports as a family helps develop family togetherness and teamwork.
We play a lot of board games during the long winter months. Thanksgiving usually consists of playing cards and board games after dinner. To keep people up to welcome the New Year, we planned long board games like Risk or Monopoly.
Crafts and hobbies are another great way for the family to spend time during the wet season. Learn how to crochet, read aloud books or listen to audio books.
Get inspired with all sorts of ideas for outdoor family fun. Engage the entire family with activities ranging in price and effort. Learn how to play:
Fun family board games are in an abundance! Read this page to hear about our reviews on our 10 favorites of why we have so much fun with them! Our top favorite fun family board games are: Risk, Sorry, Parcheesi, Chutes and Ladders, Clue, Monopoly (and it's various versions) Cranium, and Scategories. Read these reviews and three more on our family board games page. Our top favorite fun family board games are:
Read these reviews and three more on our family board games page...
There are many fun family card games! Choose one of these 13 favorites to play all with easy to follow rules for endless hours of fun during the evenings, on holidays and even on the rainiest of days. Besides Cribbage and Rummy our top ten include:
"Rain, rain, go away..." with this list of rainy day activities, you'll be singing a different tune. Enjoy indoor activities in your nice, warm, cozy living room. Puzzles, listening to adventurous stories while coloring, crocheting and other hobbies, and of course play dough for the little ones make the stormiest of afternoons a pleasure. This list of rainy day activities produces rain barrels of fun!
Family fun isn't just for when you are at home. There are many places that you can enjoy as a family when you're out and about. Here is a guide on where to go, why to go, and where to stay for your family trips.
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