There are so many funny Christmas movies out there that it can be hard to find the ones that you are going to make sure you see this year. Our list is here to help you navigate through and find that perfect film. Here you will find reviews of the funny Christmas movies we've seen and what makes us want to recommend (or not recommend) them to your family!
So read on to find the next titles you are sure to love:
Although it isn't particularly a Christmas movie, Babes in Toyland is reminiscent of characters well known to childhood memories and vintage toys. Featuring Mother Goose, Tom the Piper's Son, Mary Quite Contrary, and Little Bo-Peep, this film has a fun storyline that is sure to bring a smile to your face.
Babes In Toyland Is A Fun Christmasy Movie The Whole Family Will Enjoy. Read the full review here...
After viewing this film for the purpose of this review, I can understand why so many people love it. The ending is very sweet and brings happy Christmas feelings.
However, I was very disappointed with how vulgar and secular the story was. Of course, I wasn’t expecting a film that was Christ focused, but I was still surprised. There was absolutely no mention of Christ’s birth and the focus was totally on the kid getting what he wanted for Christmas.
Something I really don’t like about Christmastime is when kids start acting like they deserve certain gifts for Christmas. It’s always important to emphasize that it is a time to get ready for Christ’s coming and that they should focus on what they want to give rather than what they want to receive.
That’s the real idea of Santa Claus. It’s about knowing that your good works and sacrifices are seen and rewarded, short term and in the life to come. A Christmas Story instead told a story where Ralphie Parker knows what he wants for Christmas and his Christmas is only complete when he gets it.
Besides that, there was language which wasn’t just subtle cuss words, but actually highlighted and pointed out by the narrator. Also for vulgar amusement was a lamp that looked like a woman’s leg that enamors the masculine characters. Weird!
This movie was actually very badly put together: bad plot, bad storytelling, bad all over. Apart from what I have already mentioned there was also lying resorted to by the children and adults that went unpunished and bratty children who feel like the adults are too stupid to understand their troubles.
In an interview with Kermit the Frog about this movie, he summed it up as a film that is very dedicated to the Dickens story.
To paraphrase: It is close to the story except for the fact that it is filled with frogs and pigs and birds and other things. I think Mr. Dickens would have liked it this way.
It's all the makings of a hilarious retelling of the classic story starring Miss Piggy, The Great Gonzo, Kermit the Frog, Rizzo the Rat, and Michael Caine.
This movie explores an interesting concept: how it is that Santa Claus is still around after centuries. Scott Calvin and his young son, Charlie, are all settled down for a long winter’s nap when out on the lawn there rises such a clatter that Charlie springs from his bed to see what is the matter.
He and Scott go outside to discover that Santa Claus appears to have fallen off their roof. A card in Santa’s coat instructs Scott to carry on the Santa job through the night and he’s off to a whole new career: becoming Santa Claus.
Now for the reasons I didn't like this movie:
Scott and his wife are portrayed as a divorced couple sharing custody over Charlie. In this way, divorce is not only normalized and broken families blanketed as normal, but this is also used to slander Santa Claus.
The legend of Santa is descended from the true story of St. Nicholas of Myra, a bishop of the Catholic Church. Although it may seem a small thing, portraying someone who is supposed to be a Catholic and saintly bishop as a divorced man is wrong. Filmmakers must be careful of making the mistake of taking the celibacy of our clergy lightly.
This is my main objection to the film.
Otherwise, it is notable that there is no mention of Christ being the reason for the season and it does have a few crude parts.
I’ll start with the things I liked in this movie before moving into what was wrong with it. First of all, I really enjoyed how much the story was reminiscent of the words from the Dr. Suess book and the original cartoon with Boris Karloff.
I also thought that it was well thought out and the added story development gave it a little more substance for mature viewing.
Now why I didn’t like it: it was very crude. I mean, I can handle a little crude, but this was pretty bad. I won’t go into specifics especially since I think I already scandalized even my teenage brothers enough with the details already.
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