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Homestead Movie Review: A Thought-Provoking Blend of Action, Drama, and Christian Values

Homestead movieBailey Chase and Neal McDonough in Homestead (2024)
Angel Studios

My brothers and I really enjoyed heading to our local theater to watch the Homestead movie, one of the latest films from Angel Studios. The movie features familiar faces from Angel Studios and PureFlix films, most notably Neal McDonough and Olivia Sanabia.

The film explores the idea that while mankind’s survival instinct is strong, the Christian way of life demands that we act differently. The characters are faced with a crisis and must choose whether to keep their hard-earned goods for themselves or better the lives of others by sharing what they have.

Homestead Movie: A Near-Future Apocalyptic Thriller with Gripping Character Drama

Homestead Cover

Set in a near-future world that hasn’t advanced much beyond our own, Homestead begins with simultaneous attacks on Los Angeles and New York.

These events disrupt the power grid, leading to instability across the United States. Some American families, better prepared than others, flee to what they believe are the safest locations while awaiting government action.

As part of a series from Angel Studios, the Homestead movie doesn’t tell a complete story on its own. It blends the action of an approaching apocalypse with the drama of two strong-willed characters who clash over how to handle the situation.

This dynamic adds a unique tension, as there isn’t a clear villain, but rather the challenges of a group of men trying to work through a stressful situation.

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Inside Homestead Movie: Powerful Character Contrasts That Define The Plot

The film’s characters are mainly made up of couples. This being said, I didn't feel a huge difference between the characters who were husband and wife as they complemented each other in place of the film's drama surrounding marital strife. Instead, the couples may disagree with each other on perspective but ultimately align with each other where it matters most.

As such, I’ll focus on them as couples rather than as individual characters.

The primary couple, Ian (Neal McDonough) and Jenna Ross, own the homestead. These two are caring people with a deep religious sense, trusting always in God’s will. Although they work hard to live self-sufficiently by farming and saving as they prepare to hold out during an emergency, they rely first and foremost on the Will of God.

Sensing the growing unrest in the world around them, this couple is glad that they have spent many years owning land and farming it, saving what they don't use in case of an emergency. Their plan is to hold out in an emergency until the government is able to stabilize things and then resume a more normal lifestyle.

After LA is bombed and people flock to the countryside in a panic, the situation escalates and the Rosses hire ex-Green Berets to protect their homestead. Their goal isn’t to wage war on their neighbors, but to protect themselves should an attack be made by people in hysterics.

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Homestead 2024Kearran Giovanni and Bailey Chase in Homestead (2024)
Angel Studios

In contrast to the Rosses, Jeff and Tara Eriksson have a more individualistic approach.

Jeff, a retired Navy SEAL, is brought in by Ian to help defend the homestead, but his militant attitude treats everyone outside the compound as potential enemies. Tara, through Jenna's influence, softens over time, but Jeff remains hardened to those outside the compound.

The differences between these families become all the more clear through their children who, although not a couple per se, are another character team that tell the story. These are the characters of Claire Ross and Abe Eriksson.

Claire is a sweet, homeschool girl with a strong faith, while Abe, though likable, doesn’t share her religious zeal and is even surprised when Claire expresses her personal relationship with God. Their interactions highlight the contrast between the Rosses and Erikssons, but their character development halts due to the movie’s cliffhanger ending, leaving viewers waiting for more.

I strongly felt that the film’s central theme revolves around how Christians approach conflict very differently from worldly people.

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Though the Rosses are initially tempted to follow Jeff’s self-serving demeanor, they ultimately make the right decision, sharing their resources and improving the homestead by welcoming the other desperate people outside their gates which instantly improves the situation for everyone. By giving generously of what they have, the entire homestead is buoyed up by the new skill sets brought in by the people from the outside. 

Engaging Survivalist Drama: Homestead Movie’s Themes of Faith and Intrigue Despite An Unresolved Storyline

I felt like the film was compelling. Knowing many survivalists, it was interesting to see this mentality portrayed through film. There were, of course, a few inconsistencies, but overall, the film followed a very interesting concept. Some have criticized the film for having characters make unnatural decisions to move the plot forward, but I felt that the dynamics between the characters were authentic, even if not all their actions were authentic. 

That being said, I believe the Homestead movie was serving one purpose: to hook the audience to watch the entire series when it comes out.

And this came out as a downside because the film can't stand alone since it’s part of a series, and the film ends without a real resolution. This left me feeling like I did after watching The Desolation of Smaug, where the story abruptly stops before a major climax.

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Still, the film kept me intrigued, and I’m curious to see how the story develops.

From a Catholic perspective, the film's message resonates with the idea that we are called to share our greatest treasure—our faith. Just as the Rosses decide to open their homestead to others, we are called not to hide our light under a bushel, but to let it shine and set the entire world on fire with its burning charity.

And this truth is learned by the families struggling to survive in the Homestead movie and a theme I hope to see carried through the rest of the series.

How Would You React In A Similar Situation?

The message of the film was an interesting one and I think it's worth discussing. So, if you feel like chatting, let me know how you felt about the film and what you would have done in a similar situation:

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