Reclaiming the art of film making one wholesome movie at a time
Your behind the scenes peek into making Catholic movies. Industrious Family Films chronicles its adventures in movie making. Keep current on all things from fundraisers, casting and auditions to current movies, festivals and screenings.
Thanks to our generous donors, we were able to purchase the Adobe Pro video editing software. After a few learning curves, I hope to have Pelayo well on its way to being complete!
Here are a few more photos from our shoot day!
Here are a few more photos from our shoot day!
Here are a few photos from our shoot day!
First day of filming Pelayo!
Filming starts tomorrow! We had fun decorating Pelayo’s shield.
“She (Our Lady of Covadonga) bore a red shield with a white cross, with the holy name of ‘Jesus’ upon it.”
-El Cid, God’s Own Champion
Here is a picture of our amazing Pasha Alquama costume!
The Pelayo battle practices have begun!
View the Grisly Grisell premiere photo gallery here!
Scouting out Pelayo shot locations!
Dear Journal Readers,
Exciting news--your inbox just got more awesome!
Up until now, the Journal has had expressly movie content. In the future you can look forward to features such as our family fun articles as well as our good stories and movies articles.
Thank you for your continued readership, and remember, we always welcome your comments and suggestions!
The new format will include:
If you are currently subscribed to the Gleaner and the Journal, we have decided to discontinue the Gleaner, but not to worry...You will receive the same great content you've been getting in your mailbox with our new Journal format!
God bless,
The Industrious Family Team
We are so excited to share with you our first ever credit roll pop song, Love is a Beauty! You can purchase a download of the song here!
I'm sure you are all very eager to read all things Grisly Grisell. Read all about why we chose this novel by Charlotte M. Yonge to be our third motion picture.
Meet the actors who made the novel come to life, the sets that sell the screen and the music that makes the moment.
Read all about in-depth behind the scenes and more in our newest webpage.
Copies of Grisly Grisell will be pressed and ready to be shipped later this year. By pre-ordering your copy now you can avoid hassle later and get free shipping! Pay-it-forwards and preorders are our main funding our current project, Pelayo.
During the War of the Roses, the Red Rose's Copeland family enters a marriage contract between their brash son, Leonard, and the White Rose's Dacre girl, Grisell, beginning a microcosm of the English Civil War.
After a horrific accident in which Grisell is wounded at the hand of Leonard, she is left so disfigured that she is no longer marriageable thereby ending the betrothal.
Teaching us that beauty is indeed more than skin deep, Grisell's virtues shine through and transform her disfigured countenance which in the end wins the heart of the most unexpected hero who undergoes a transformation of his own. This film proudly showcases another awesome score by Music Forge including a surprise "pop" song in the credits.
Filled with chivalrous knights, picture-book castles, and an undercurrent of innocent romance, where of course our "Cinderella" lives happily ever after, Grisly Grisell is a Catholic film the entire family will enjoy!
Copies of Grisly Grisell will be ready later this year. $19.99. All preorders ship free!
Cover #2 is the winner! Thank you everyone for voting. We are always glad when our fans can give us their input. We love hearing from you!
We are stuck between which of these two Grisly Grisell movie covers is the best one so we need you to let us know which one catches your eye more so we can decide! Fill out our poll by clicking the link below then we will announce which one is the winner!
Cast your vote here!
We did it! We shot the last scenes of Grisly Grisell and are officially done shooting and working away at editing. Our movie required a pageant scene, so we gathered 24 children to be extras and shot our pageant!
We will be using multiple layers of these same children to look like there are tons of people there. It will be a challenge to edit, but Mary is up for it.
Buy your own copy of the Max & Carlota Soundtrack available now in CD form here! This original score contains five tracks with a complete run time of eighteen minutes.
Listen for the character themes as well as the stirring battle music and support for Max's speech in this great disc.
Over this weekend, the Industrious Family Films recorded our first hired job. We filmed St. John Bosco Academy's play: That Murder Game, a spin on "Clue". Thanks for the fun time, everyone!
We are recording our first hired job this weekend! As a reward to ourselves, we got some personalized Industrious Family Films T-shirts!
"Saying goodbye. Why is it sad?
It makes us remember all the good times we've had."
-The Muppets Take Manhattan
We packed up the studio yesterday. It was so sad to see it all so empty! Thank you for the great time, everyone!
Join us on MeWe and Gab or comment below with your caption for this picture of Kathleen. Enter for a chance to win! Sorry, no prizes. Just for fun!
Introducing Stacy! Thank you so much for joining us this time, Stacy, and all your support in the past! You are a perfect Mother of the Maids in Grisly Grisell.
Thomas and Becket appear as Sid and Samual in Grisly Grisell. Welcome back, guys!
Formerly, Becket and Thomas were buddies as the Gordon and his "twin", Joel, in Outlaws of Ravenhurst.
This time they had fun being the two thugs who are Lady Whitburn's little sidekicks who execute her every wish. Great job rocking the bad guy role, you two!
Some random pics from set..
Join us on MeWe and Gab or comment below with your caption for this picture of Mary and Faustina. Enter for a chance to win! Sorry, no prizes. Just for fun!
Some random pics from set...
Welcome back, Matt! Matt is acting Lord Salisbury in Grisly Grisell. Formerly, Matt acted Sir Angus in Outlaws of Ravenhurst in which we beheaded him on the Castle Noz dance floor. Thank you for joining us again, Dad!
Introducing Anne as the Duchess of Burgundy in Grisly Grisell! You did a great job in this role and we can't wait to show your talent to the world when we release the movie!
Lots of things happen on set. Join us on Gab or comment below with your caption for this picture of Faustina and Kathleen. Enter for a chance to win! Sorry, no prizes. Just for fun!
Some random pics from set...
Introducing Kathleen Bowen as Lady Salisbury in Grisly Grisell! In all movies past, Kathleen has been a major part of making things run smoothly behind the scenes as well as being an extra, but in this film, she will make an appearance as the Lady Salisbury. Thank you for joining us, Mom! We wouldn’t be here without your support and we can’t wait to see you shine in Grisly Grisell!
Grisell's accident occurs at Salisbury Castle. This is her room after she is injured. We wanted to give the effect that Grisell's sickroom is one full of calm and peace. The Salisburys themselves wear purples. We put up blue curtains and had a bouquet of lavender in the corner (to suggest a soothing scent). We are very happy with the effect.
Join us on Gab or comment below with your caption for this picture of Abbey, Isabella, and Faustina. Enter for a chance to win! Sorry, no prizes. Just for fun!
Some random pics from set...
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