Kathleen Bowen

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Kathleen Bowen is a wife and homeschooling mother of ten children. She began industriousfamily.com in 2013. As her children have grown, they’ve taken her down the path of Catholic moviemaking. Her family’s 5th film is currently in pre-production.

Reagan Movie 2024

Reagan Movie 2024, A Tribute To An American Hero

The Reagan movie 2024 felt like a tribute to the life of Ronald Reagan which successfully spanned several decades by employing a clever storytelling technique that I felt really worked. I liked the film as a tribute to an American hero as that is what Reagan is.

Kathleen Bowen October 8th, 2024

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Homeschooling Your Children Is One Of The Most Rewarding Tasks Your Family Can Undertake

All you beautiful homeschool families out there, keep up the good work. You are doing the most important work of training children, transmitting the faith, and handing traditional values on to the next generation.

Kathleen Bowen August 27th, 2024

Wildfries article thumbnail

Mismanaged Wildfires Are Being Weaponized To Scare The Public Into Climate Hysteria

The natural climate cycle, as well as intentional mismanagement of wildfires, is being exploited and used to scare the public into accepting control over many aspects of their lives that, if not stopped, will culminate in forced 'climate change' lockdowns.

Kathleen Bowen August 23rd, 2024

St John Vianney Small square

Supporting Priests While Protecting Children From Pedophiles

By grasping the idea of who a priest is and why God instituted the priesthood, fostering strong family bonds and committing to some common sense rules for the family, parents can go a long way in keeping their children safe. 

Kathleen Bowen May 1st, 2024

Traditional Catholic article thumbnail

Traditional Catholics Are Motivated By A Deep Faith In Christ, Not Virtue Signaling

In defense of traditionalists as a whole, I’d like to share my experience as a proud member of that crowd. I believe that those who embrace tradition do so because of their deep faith in Jesus Christ.

Kathleen Bowen April 15th, 2024

Homesteading article thumbnail

How Homesteading Can Help You Live A More Purposeful, Virtuous Life

Homesteading is a challenging but rewarding way to live more intentionally. Because of our experience, we’ve learned how to embrace life's challenges and not sweat the small stuff.

Kathleen Bowen March 11th, 2024

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Effective Time Management For Busy People Starts With Making A Schedule And Sticking To It

Keeping a schedule allows you to do the things you need to do at an assigned time and alleviates any guilt that seems to be a problem when things aren’t done at an appointed time. 

Kathleen Bowen February 16, 2024

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Catholic Filmmakers Deserve Our Utmost Support Because Cinema Has The Power To Change The World

We must tell good stories through cinema – stories that celebrate virtue, stories about heroes, and stories that inspire hope.

Kathleen Bowen January 2nd, 2024

War on Food article thumbnail

How I’m Defending My Family Against The War On Food

One of the reasons for the loss of the Catholic faith is that the mother’s ability to live and pass on the faith in her home is under siege.

Kathleen Bowen December 15th, 2023

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What's New At The Studio

  1. We Love Hearing From Our Fans! Drop Us A Note With Your Thoughts

    Oct 17, 24 03:00 PM

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  2. Do You Want To Own The FABIOLA Movie?

    Oct 17, 24 01:12 PM

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  3. Successes With The FABIOLA Scene: 2K Views, Almost $1000 Crowdfunded And $6000 Invested In The Upcoming Film Project!

    Oct 16, 24 06:44 PM

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  4. Aidan Jones Interviewed On The FABIOLA Set

    Oct 16, 24 02:47 PM

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  5. Support Catholic Art: Your Investment Is In More Than Just A Movie

    Oct 15, 24 03:00 PM

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  6. Creative Director Shares Thoughts After The FABIOLA Scene Release

    Oct 15, 24 11:10 AM

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  7. Lovey Maher Interviewed On The FABIOLA Set

    Oct 14, 24 03:44 PM

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  8. Become A Film Producer When You Invest In FABIOLA

    Oct 14, 24 11:49 AM

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  9. Behind The Scenes On The FABIOLA Prison Set Plus Actors Share Their Experience

    Oct 11, 24 03:00 PM

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  10. The Untold Stories of Movie Extras: Heroes in the Background

    Oct 11, 24 11:51 AM

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  11. FABIOLA Scene: Praised As "A Remarkable Piece Of Work" By Our Fans

    Oct 10, 24 03:00 PM

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  12. Experience Of A Lifetime: Discovering Old Friends From Across The Country For The First Time On The FABIOLA Scene Set

    Oct 10, 24 12:00 PM

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  13. "Old" New Friend Aidan Jones Finally Makes An Appearance In An Industrious Family Film

    Oct 10, 24 11:51 AM

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  14. Excellent Prison Scene of Fabiola

    Oct 09, 24 04:48 PM

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  15. The Audience Speaks: But They Are Speechless

    Oct 09, 24 03:00 PM

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  16. New Perspectives: How a Convert Revitalizes St. Agnes's Story

    Oct 09, 24 11:15 AM

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  17. Exclusive Look: FABIOLA’s Unseen Moments in Photos

    Oct 08, 24 05:46 PM

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  18. FABIOLA Scene Praised For Its Costumes, Lighting And Its Epic Music Score

    Oct 08, 24 03:00 PM

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  19. Witness Lovey Maher's Spellbinding Embodiment of Fabiola

    Oct 08, 24 10:38 AM

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  20. We Are LIVE Now!

    Oct 07, 24 08:00 PM

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