One great theme for a summer birthday is a luau birthday party! Everyone loves dressing in grass skirts, leis and coconut bras at least once in their lifetime! Okay well maybe not the coconut bras, but how about those hats?
Read on and find out what kinds of foods to serve, decorations to use, and the fun to have at your luau party!
Adapt to your own party but our luau party looked like this:
11:00 - Guests arrive and party begins
11:30 - Swimming
1:00 - Lunch
2:00 - Cake and presents
2:30 - Hula dancing and games or more swimming
4:00 - Party over
Traditionally pork is served. The pork is usually kālua, which means "to cook in an underground oven". To simplify things throw a pork sirloin roast in a crock pot at least 6 hours before the party.
Add this GAPS friendly BBQ sauce to the slow cooker. Near the end of the cooking time, add some pineapple chunks for some extra Hawaiian flair.
Serve with these yummy Keto GAPS legal biscuits. Served with a green salad and the Nourishing Traditions basic dressing and you have a very simple yet satisfying lunch! Another traditional plate for luau parties is chicken.
Coconut milk is a long-established Hawaiian food. Alternatives to coconut milk that remain in the GAPS friendly zone are Naked Juice Pina Colada and La Croix coconut flavored water. Throw a little rum in the Pina Colada juice if it is an adult birthday party.
Hawaiian Pizza is a good idea if you're not worried about GAPS and want a carefree meal so more time can be focused on the fun.
A great go-to cake recipe that gets rave reviews is Dr. Natasha McBride's cappuccino cupcakes found in her recipe book, "Internal Bliss". This cake is very adaptable and is delicious for all-even, non-GAPS guests rave about it.
Have plenty of leis, hats and grass skirts available for your guests to wear. Ask them in the invite to wear tropical floral patterns if they have any.
This along with a little ambient music adds to the overall feel of the party. Make sure the birthday boy or girl has a special outfit prepared for them.
Your decorating colors should be greens, pinks, yellows, reds, and oranges, maybe even light purples or light blues.
Leis stringed together and hung as a bunting is a great idea and will add a very Hawaiian feel. You could even try to make your own leis using string and tissue paper!
Set up a cooler filled with natural or artificial leis. Make a sign that says, "Grab a lei!" or "Don't forget your lei!"
You can buy a pack of leis at the Oriental Trading Company. They also sell grass skirts and other decorations for your luau. Don't forget to check the dollar stores and your children's toy boxes for tropical looking items like tree frog and monkey stuffed animals.
If you have summer birthdays or just enjoy this party, keep a tote filled with the items and add to it throughout the years. This year DaMama pulled out her tote, and we didn't need to buy anything except the food to throw our party.And of course, music sets the feel of a party like this! Find a ukulele video that lasts hours and play all through your party. Surprisingly the music never gets old!
Like all luau parties, yours is not going to be complete without a game of limbo. Everyone likes limbo.
Another game to play is a sack race. At a luau party the name is changed to a "Aloha Hop". This makes it fun and Hawaiian!
One more game is Pin the Coconut to the Tree a spin on Pin the Tail on the Donkey. Kids love this game. The coconut tree adds to your over all decorating theme, too. Find the easiest way of making one using the directions below.
Coconut Bowling is another great game for a luau. Use disposable water bottles as the pins and a coconut as the ball and your all set!
A Pineapple Piñata is a great idea. Use a bamboo-looking stick as your bat and the Hawaiian feel will be established for this game.
Setting up this game is easy. Just print out as many coconut pictures as you have guests, cut them out, and put adhesive backs on them. This way, when your guests try this game all they need to do is peel the paper off and they're ready to go.
Next, print out a coconut tree. Since you want the tree to be pretty big, make about 6 separate pieces and tape them together. Pin the tree to a board, lean it against something in the area of your party.
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