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New Perspectives: How a Convert Revitalizes St. Agnes' Story

We found ourselves undertaking an adventure with Industrious Family Films to bring to life a most captivating story of St. Agnes as told through the story of FABIOLA.

Guest Post
by Rachael Witkemper

October 17, 2024

Kate as Agnes

Before our family converted to Catholicism in 2019, we tried our best to live as good Christians, faithful to the will of God.

As we went about our lives trying to find where we fit into the story of redemption, we discovered that we had many holes in our knowledge about the early Church and many questions regarding our connection to those who have already made their home in Heaven.

Who were these early people and what story do they have to tell us?

Why does the Bible say in Luke 15:7 that if one sinner is saved that all of Heaven rejoices if those in Heaven do not know what is going on here on earth?

The Awe Of Finding The Communion Of Saints For The First Time

We soon realized that we had been living without a spiritual family that was not just fascinating, but inspiring. In the early history of the Church, the saints’ love for Christ was so deep that they willingly died under such extreme torment!

Yes, as Protestants we knew there were martyrs, but we didn't know their full stories, their names, or anything else about them. They stood as distant figures, with no connection to Christians living in the present day.

Now, we understand the Communion of the Saints and it is beautiful and bonding. The Body of Christ becomes complete and real.

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And Then The Opportunity Arose To Participate In A Catholic Film Revolving Around An Early Church Saint

Fast forward to 2024.

We found ourselves undertaking an adventure with Industrious Family Films to bring to life a most captivating story of St. Agnes as told through the story of FABIOLA.

What a wonderful opportunity we had with our daughter, Kate, to participate in portraying the life of St. Agnes!

As our family read the story to prepare for the film, we were amazed at how such a young girl devoted herself to Christ and held her convictions unto death. It is our prayer that through this film, many will be touched in a way that strengthens their convictions and inspires their devotion to Christ Jesus.

May we be willing to stand in our loyalty to God.

Help us tell the FABIOLA story today!

Actress Kate Witkemper Tells Of Her Outlook On The FABIOLA Film And Her Character Of St. Agnes In Particular

It's a movie where, I'm trying to convert Fabiola--we're all trying to convert Fabiola to Christianity and I guess during that I get beheaded.

My character is a 12-year-old girl and she ends up becoming a saint. And she's a Catholic girl!

To get into character I think that I am to die and how happy I am actually to die and this is the last chance I get to convert Fabiola. This is the last time I'm going to see her on Earth and I'm trying to convert her. It's my last chance.

I learned about this saint and really delved into her character. I've had a quite a few books about her and she was actually one of the very first saints I've ever read about. Whenever I see her, I always see her with the lamb in her hands so that's what I usually think about.

I've seen quite a few movies and some of the movies I've seen weren't the best and so then my sister and I got on the computer. We looked for good Catholic family filmmakers and we found Industrious Family.

The most fun thing about being in the scene is probably being dragged out in handcuffs!

The hardest thing was getting in the right position and like getting exactly where I needed to be without bars made in front of my face.

Hi, my name is Kate Witkemper and I flew out here from Tennessee. I'm here to be filmed in a movie as Saint Agnes.

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