If you become really daring, you could even try raising angoras! In fact you'll find you need to start a breeding program to get enough wool to make things.
Plan ahead when you want to have babies. Then put the doe in the bucks cage for one hour. Having the buck stay in his own cage keeps him interested in the new doe and not the new surroundings.
Female rabbits ovulate approximately six to eight hours after being with a buck. Pair them back together about six to eight hours after this first encounter. After this your doe should be successfully bred.
In fact, one of the few ways that are helpful to indicate the doe has been bred is to put them together the next day, or two days later, and if the doe is adamantly refusing the buck, figure she's bred. If she accepts him she is still looking to become bred. This is most telling with experienced does who have had a litter before.
Mark your calendar 30 days after the first attempt. On the 28th day put a nesting box inside the doe's cage. Do not be surprised if your doe has plucked her belly bald. How else would she nurse through that thick hair?
On the 30th day you should find four to six little kits. The doe will take care of the rest.
Word Of Warning! Try not to have kits in the hot summer months as it puts stress on mom and cuties.
We were at the county fair one August and of course I was in the rabbit barn looking at the rabbits and the ribbons.
There where a few different breeds but I was enjoying looking at the angoras. My eye fell on a beautiful orange doe with dense wool, clear eyes and a sweet temper.
I can't remember how it happened but I ran into the young owner and her mom. We fell into talking about angoras, shaving and grooming. They let me hold "Bramble" and I fell in love with her personality and wool quality.
After we had exchanged all our angora knowledge to each other, I mentioned that I had a rabbit to shave the next day and wondered if they would like to come over and see how I do it.
After I had scheduled a time, put the rabbit back in her cage and prepared to go to the pig barn I ran back and hinted that I had a male and asked if they wouldn't mind breeding.
The 11 year-old-owner was very excited and so was I. They would bring Bramble, shave a rabbit and hope for a successful breed. Because Bramble was surrounded by other males in the rabbit barn she was in heat.
When Bramble came I put her in with Azarias and he did his business right off the bat. Within a few minutes I was sure of a successful breed. I think the picture can end this story well.
Read our other angora articles:
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