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The Inside Story Of How The Communists Destroyed Our Schools From The Inside-Out Is Presented In Bella V. Dodd's The School Of Darkness

"Dodd, no one gets out of the Party. You die or you are thrown out. But no one gets out."

In her book School of Darkness, Bella V. Dodd describes the Communist infiltration of America’s educational system. Although the process started in the 1930s, we still witness its effects today as aptly recounted in a similar book, Cloning of the American Mind (which is no longer in print, by the way) written by B.K. Eakman in the 1990s.

In School of Darkness, Dodd illustrates why our educational system is such a high target in the Communist book. The Communists have taken away access to a “rounded education”. This type of education is the training of the will as well as the mind.

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A mere accumulation of information, without a sound philosophy, is not education.

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An Inside Look At "Soviet America" From The School Of Darkness

The key to the mental enslavement of mankind is to make man into nothing so that he operates as part of what is considered a higher intelligence. He then acts at the will of that higher intelligence all the while having no awareness of the plans that it has for utilizing him.

St Patrick Ad

The strangest part about Communism is that people are swindled into believing in the dream by being convinced of the "brotherhood of man". W. Cleon Skousen, in his book The Naked Communist, describes this term as meaning a super-man, the man who is, by chance of course, exalted above nature by his reason. What the Communists never tell people is that only a select few are to benefit from the labor of all the other men. But as Friedrich Engels himself says (to those who actually read what he said), "We do not promise any freedom, nor any democracy."

The Communists paid particular attention to pushing federal funding into the public-schools.

Communists prepare a country for revolution by enlisting the unattached people. Those who have little to lose are the first to capitulate to organized excitement. As a child who felt ignored and unloved after her emigration from Italy, Bella fell easy prey to the high promises of the Communist party.

Once she was won over, she was exposed to many people who were important factors in preparing students to accept a materialist philosophy. Dodd says that these people “did little for those who were already so emptied of convictions that they believed in nothing. These could only turn their steps toward the great delusion of our time, toward the socialist-communist philosophy of Karl Marx.”

As a member of the Communist party, Bella Dodd, along with her husband, paid particular attention to pushing federal aid (funding) into the public-school program. The Communists were (and I'm sure still are) carefully prepared through meetings with societies such as mathematics and modern-language associations as well as those composed of professors of physics, history, and social studies. 

At the end of conventions, the Communists would return with lists of names of men and women who would go along with them: 

“These names were given to the district organizer of the Party in the locality where each professor lived. The organizer would visit and try to deepen the ideological conquest by flattering his victim, disclosing to him new vistas of usefulness, and by introducing him to an interesting social life. The methods were many; the end was one — a closer tie to the Party.”

B. K. Eakman recognizes this to be a tactic that is still used now. In Cloning of the American Mind, she writes that most school meetings are ran by moderators who are, in reality, Communist agitators who seek to gain as many followers as possible by appearing to be "friends of public education" and terming anyone with ideas contrary to their own as "enemies of education".

This tactic works pretty well because of the flaw in human nature to seek human respect. Well-meaning parents don't want to appear to be "enemies" or trouble makers. Communists play on this tendency much to the disadvantage of our children and our American culture.

It was through a sudden accident and an encounter with Venerable Bishop Sheen that completely changed Bella's mind. After her conversion, she wrote School of Darkness as a means to share with the future of America what Communism really is and how it plans America's destruction.

Communist Infiltration: A Mask Of High Sounding Principles And A Stealing Of Our Heroes To Paint A New "Improved" World To Unfortunate Victims

Bella Dodd goes on to explain how the Communists placed its forces at teachers’ disposal because the teachers were the vanguard holding the line in defense of the Party. The teachers touched every phase of Party work. In Party education, they gave their services for free. Teachers performed invaluable services as they provided the Communists with thousands of young peoples’ contacts. Generously helping finance Party activities was the crown to all the support teachers gave to the Communist Party in America.

The plan was that when Communism came to America it would come under the label of “progressive democracy.” “It will come,” said one Communist, “in labels acceptable to the American people.” Plans were made so Marxist adult education schools would have a patriotic look. This was accomplished by naming their organizations after American heroes: Jefferson School of Social Research, Abraham Lincoln School and John Adams School.

After a few generations of Communist schools, and here we are: riots, escalating crime rates, and toppled historic statues.

“The patriots of the American Revolution and of the Civil War were to be given a new sort of honor — a Marxist status.” 

These schools were to play their part in the revolution that was to destroy America. In more recent years, children have been taught less and less real subject matter and more and more garbage lessons that fail to promote real thinking skills.

Bella Dodd explains that our educational system is high on Communist priorities because through it they can deprive Americans of well rounded educations. Students graduate with a poor concept of history, little exposure to literature and they are deprived of religion. Students are mentally enslaved. They are taught to think that man is nothing. He acts at the will of an intelligence which is bent on destroying the land of our birth.

Failing schools are not a mistake. The Communists cannot succeed with a population of educated people who can draw facts from cause to effect. They need your children to be uneducated. After a few generations of unschooling, you can see where we are: riots, escalating crime rates, and toppled historic statues.

What Does This Mean For Us And Where Can We Find The Solution?

Of course, in light of Bella Dodd's School of Darkness we are in a very frightening position. Obviously, the Communists have their own "solution" in mind. They want crime rates to go through the roof so that they can have an excuse to tighten their control over us. We cannot let them implement their solutions which lead to, at best, a robotic slavery. 

There are ways we can resist and reverse the damage so far done in our nation. First of all, we must give a definite "No!" to their standards and suggestions for lifestyle choices. We must uphold our heroes in the true light of what they stood for and what they accomplished.

We must continue to have children and work to instill in them devotion to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts and teach them Catholic values and beliefs. And of course, never accept defeat. "Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." (Matthew 28:20)

Other Resources To Read About Communism And How To Combat This Evil In Our Culture


Revealed by Marie Carré

He Leadeth Me

He Leadeth Me
By Fr. Walter J. Ciszek, S. J.

Our Lady of Victory's entire 11th grade history course is spent studying Communism. We read The Naked Communist, The School of Darkness, and He Leadeth Me alongside 1917: Red Banners, White Mantle. The Naked Communist focuses, first of all, on the Communist roots and mindset and finishes with the various questions that Communism seeks to answer and what the Christian answer should be. It also lays out the Communist goals and which ones appear to have been fulfilled when the book was written.

1917 lays out the fateful events of that year, from the Czar's family to the fate of Emperor Karl of Austria. We made a short film about the exciting death of Rasputin: The Six Deaths of Rasputin

He Leadeth Me tells the story of Father Ciszek and his experience as a Communist political prisoner, how he escaped, and what the Communists have in store for us if they have their way. Read the full book review here...

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