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Remember The Mother Of Mary, Grandmother Of Jesus With This St Anne Coloring Page

St Anne Coloring Page
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This St Anne coloring page commemorates a saint very well known in the Catholic Church: Saint Anne, mother to Our Lady, grandmother to the Child Jesus.

This coloring page shows St. Anne teaching Mary how to read a passage that sums up the life of St. Anne: "And thou shouldest have one to comfort thy soul, and cherish thy old age."(Ruth 4:15)

The only thing lacking in the lives of Sts. Anne and Joachim was their childlessness. In St. Anne's old years, she was chosen by God to be the mother of Mary, His own Mother on earth.

"She watched over her every moment with reverent tenderness, and felt herself hourly sanctified by the presence of her immaculate child."-Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints

But Anne had given Mary back to God and only had her for three years before she and Joachim presented her into the Temple.

Like another Anna from the Old Testament story who prayed for a child and was given Samuel, Saint Anne was given Mary and, like Anna, gave her back to God when Mary was very young.

Anne then spent the remainder of her days childless.

"She humbly adored the Divine Will, and began again to watch and pray, till God called her to unending rest with the Father and the Spouse of Mary in the home of Mary's son." -Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints

This is an example to us that everything we have comes from God and that we should strive all our lives to try to give back as much as we can to Him, our belongings, our children, and ourselves.

Although Anne spent the rest of her life with an empty nest after the three short years a child brightened her home, we can be sure that she was very happy. Saints always are happy doing the Will of God and St. Anne had definitely fulfilled the Will of God.

Even from a worldly point of view, children have always been considered a joy and bright light in the home. The Robert Burn's poem, "A Rosebud by My Early Walk", pays tribute to the sweetness a child brings to a home.

Remembering Grandmothers On St. Anne's Feast With Reflections On This St Anne Coloring Page

St. Anne's feast day is July 26th. This is a fun day to celebrate Grandmothers' Day! You can do something special for your grandmothers on St. Anne's feast day. Buy her a card, have her up for dinner or simply give her a call. She'll love it.

This is also a great day to really think about the qualities of a good grandmother. Ladies of all ages, chances are that some day you will most likely be a grandma.

Much like motherhood, there are a thousand different ways to be "grandma" to your grandkids.

A holy grandmother is one that desires only what is good for the soul of her children and grandchildren, regardless of if "feelings" are going to be hurt. A good grandmother tells her grandkids when she doesn't approve of their bad choices and corrects them when necessary.

A more modern idea of what being a grandma is says,

"Grandma's my name and spoiling's my game."

Although grandmas should definitely not be boring or overly rigid, this is not really the point of grandma-hood. Be fun, yes, but help lead the children you love by holy and good example. 

Always remember that true love for others wants what is truly best for the ones it holds close.

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