We know that there are three archangels named in Sacred Scripture. These are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Below you will find three coloring pages of the archangels. Our St Gabriel coloring page is a perfect print for both his feast day as well as that of the Annunciation. In fact, we have an annunciation coloring picture featuring God's Messenger. Also highlighted on this page is our St. Michael coloring page. I hope that you enjoy these coloring pages of the Archangels!
The first archangel to be celebrated in the year is St. Gabriel. Below you fill find our original St Gabriel coloring page.
And the angel answering, said to him: I am Gabriel, who stands before God: and am sent to speak to thee, and to bring thee these good tidings.
Luke 1:19
St. Gabriel was chosen by God with the honor of announcing to the Virgin Mary that she would be the Mother of God. His greeting would become the first lines of the Hail Mary: "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee." Archangel though he was and a prince of the heavenly court, he greeted Mary with the word "hail" which was used to address a superior.
St. Gabriel's feast day is appropriately on March 24th, the day before the feast of the Annunciation.
All the archangels have distinct personalties. St. Gabriel is the angel of mercy and consolation.
"Michael" means "Who is like God?". These words were spoken by the archangel challenging Lucifer. The battle between St. Michael and Lucifer is a well known literal history to Christians throughout the world. St. Michael and Our Lady are our main protectors against "the wickedness and snares of the devil". Remind children to pray to him whenever they feel lonely, scared, or tempted.
Feast day: September 29th.
St. Michael is the guardian of the Universal Church. As head of the heavenly hosts, our own guardian angels are therefore subject to him. Along with St. Joseph, he is invoked particularly at the hour of death. His character is that of the angel of judgment.
There is a story that St. Michael cast the devil into a blackberry bush, were Lucifer, in his anger, spit upon all the berries. It is a custom to harvest blackberries before the feast of St. Michael and to prepare a pie for his feast. Blackberries picked after September 29th should be avoided.
St. Michael, the archangel, defend us in this day of the battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into Hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
I have not yet made my own St. Raphael coloring page (perhaps I'll put it on my coloring page list) so here is one provided by Catholic Playground.
W e meet this archangel in the book of Tobias. St. Raphael played a triple role in the life of Tobias. He first acts as guide, then matchmaker, and finally as a healer.
While traveling to the land of the Medes, Tobias meets the angel Raphael in the form of a young man. This fellow traveler helps Tobias in finding his way to his kinsman's house. Once they reach Tobias' cousin's, Raphael tells Tobias to take Ruguel's only daughter, Sara, as his wife.
Then Tobias objects because every husband that Sara has had has been killed by a devil. Raphael assures Tobias that if he prays with Sara for three days the devil shall be driven away. After Tobias and Sara fulfill the angel's advise, Raphael casts the devil into Egypt.
Finally, on their return to Tobias' fathers home, the Archangel heals the blind old man. At this point in the story, Raphael reveals his true self to them, "I am the angel Raphael, one of the seven, who stand before the Lord."
Feast day: October 24th
St. Raphael is the patron of travelers, lovers, eye problems and physicians. As we can gather from The archangels words, there are seven angels who constantly stand before the Lord and offer incense of adoration. Like Our Lady, he is a powerful intercessor.
On March 25th, nine months before Christmas, we celebrate the feast of the Annunciation. You can use both the St Gabriel coloring page above and this coloring page to celebrate the feast of the Annunciation and that of St. Gabriel.
"This great festival takes its name from the happy tidings brought by the angel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin, concerning the Incarnation of the Son of God.
It commemorates the most important embassy that was ever known: an embassy sent by the King of kings, performed by one of the chief princes of His heavenly court; directed, not to the great ones of this earth, but to a poor, unknown virgin, who, being endowed with the most angelic purity of soul and body, being withal perfectly humble and devoted to God, was greater in His eyes than the mightiest monarch in the world.
When the Son of God became man, He could have taken upon Him our nature without the cooperation of any creature; but He was pleased to be born of a woman. In the choice of her whom He raised to this most sublime of all dignities, He pitched upon the one who, by the riches of His grace and virtues, was of all other the most holy and the most perfect.
The design of this embassy of the archangel is to give a Savior to the world, a victim of propitiation to the sinner, a model to the just, a son to this Virgin, remaining still a virgin, and a new nature to the Son of God, the nature of man, capable of suffering pain and anguish in order to satisfy God's justice for our transgressions."
-Little Pictorial Lives of the Saints
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