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How I Was Able To Connect With Others While Discovering Old Friends From Across The Country For The First Time On The FABIOLA Scene Set

Joining the Fabiola movie shoot was a great way for me to connect with others who think just like me. There’s a song by James Taylor that says, “You can’t make old friends...” but we were old friends right away. Instant friends, just add water

Laura Ruth

October 10th, 2024

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A new commandment I give unto you: That you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another.  By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.”
- John 13:35

Early before dawn on the morning on June 11th , my husband drove me and my oldest daughter to the airport a little over an hour away. Being that it was around 3 or 4 in the morning, she and I had time to nap or at least rest our eyes.

But we were both wide awake.

We were on our way to Idaho to meet the Bowen family of Industrious Family Films. It was the first time that I would fly somewhere with just my daughter, her first time to go to Idaho and my first time flying into Spokane, WA.

From Internet Friends To Meeting In Person: Catching The First Glimpse Of Our New Old Friends

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When Mary and Faustina arrived to pick us up in at the Spokane airport, it was like meeting old friends for the first time. If that sounds like an oxymoron, let me explain.

Last October, I received an email from a friend at church telling me about a project her friend was
involved in and asking if we could donate to the cause. I looked at the website for Industrious Family right away to check it out, because I was immediately hooked.

Here I discovered a Catholic homeschooling family that was planning to make a film.

In fact, they had already made two feature length films and 2 shorts. They had all their films for sale on DVD on the website. In addition to this, I found a casting call for their current project.

Having acted in community theatre in my youth and majoring in Video Production in college, it was evident to me that this family, led by the two oldest sisters, was living out dreams similar to my own when I was their age. This was a great opportunity to connect with others who had dreams just like me.

So, I did what any level headed Midwest Mom of 4 young children would do. I filled out that casting call. I also persuaded my husband that we should make a contribution to the project.

READ: Now Open Casting Calls For Industrious Family Films!

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Surreal Transformations: How Online Meetings Led To A Movie Set Experience

Behind Scenes Script party

The Bowens got back to me right away and there ensued a correspondence through emails, phone calls, and Skype and Zoom conferences.

I also looked to see if they had accounts with any social media that I was using. I found Kathleen on LinkedIn and Mary on Instagram. I started following them and sharing their posts. (Follow them on these platforms if you can. It is a great way to connect with others, especially Catholic moviemakers.)

In November, we did a virtual read-through of the script and I got to meet the Bowen family, the other actors on the call and read Lucina’s lines.

Fast forward to March, they were making concrete plans to film the pilot scene that would involve three of the main characters. I got an email inviting the actors and contributors to the filming. I really wanted to connect with others who were making these Catholic films.

Right away, I told them that I would like to come out, but I would have to see about making arrangements. It wasn’t easy, but in the end it all worked out. My niece, Bella, came from MO to stay with my 3 younger children while I was away so that my husband wouldn’t have to take off from work.

Another friend from church came to the rescue and entertained the kids for 2 of the days to keep them busy and occupied, giving Bella a break and keeping the kids from missing me too much.

READ: Join The Adventure Of This Timely Tale Of The Catacombs As It Comes To Life On The Big Screen

And Then I Was Off In A Whirlwind Of Plans Preparing To Go To Idaho Not Only For The FABIOLA Scene Filming But To Connect With Others!

FABIOLA Pilot Filming 98

It was the longest that I had been away from home with someone other than my husband watching the kids.

And those times were for a 5-day spiritual retreat, usually done between new babies. And that’s how my daughter and I ended up in Idaho visiting the Bowens and other friends in ID for 7 days.

We spent 2 days on set for the filming. The rest was spent in driving (gripping the passenger arm rests while Mary drove up and down the mountain, I’m a flatlander, after all), BBQing, watching the young people play croquet, hiking, sitting on the deck of a cabin watching birds fly over the Salmon River, singing karaoke, watching the young people learning dancing (kind of like a mix between square dancing and English Country dancing), sitting around a campfire, talking, watching the kids do star tipping and in general having a really good time!

READ: Diving Into Roman Women Clothing In The Upcoming Film, FABIOLA.

Unforgettable Moments: How the Bowen's Love Shone During FABIOLA Filming

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Meeting everyone *in real life* was a wonderful experience, the chance of a lifetime. I am so grateful to them for inviting us to be along for it and so grateful for my husband being gracious enough to agree to me going out West for a week. When you connect with others who have similar values and beliefs, it’s so refreshing; it’s good for the soul.

There’s a song by James Taylor that says, “You can’t make old friends...” but we were old friends right away.

-Instant friends, just add water-

In other words, just put a group of traditionally minded Catholics together and there are instant
friendships. I also want to take a moment to thank the Bowen family for their hospitality. They treated us really well while we were there and made everything seamless. That’s what brought to mind the quote above from John 13:35. “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.”

The Bowen family showed us the love of Christ and for this, we are grateful.

Laura Ruth

As a mother of 4, Laura Ruth is passionate about promoting wholesome entertainment through literature and film. Laura has generously contributed to Industrious Family as head of public relations for the company.

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