The Reagan movie 2024 felt like a tribute to the life of Ronald Reagan which successfully spanned several decades by employing a clever storytelling technique that I felt really worked. I liked the film as a tribute to an American hero as that is what Reagan is.
October 8, 2024
I recently had the pleasure of being taken by my sweet husband on a date to see the movie Reagan at our local theater, the Blue Fox.
Reagan was directed by Sean McNamara and stars Dennis Quaid as Ronald Reagan and Penelope Ann Miller as Nancy Reagan.
Reagan came out earlier this summer but we had to wait awhile for it to come to our small town. If I was judging this movie for its entertainment value and its ability to appeal to universal human emotions I would say it got the job done.
Although I do not remember Ronald Reagan’s presidency, much of his story was familiar to me as I am sure it is to all Americans. This tribute to the life of Ronald Reagan successfully spanned several decades by employing a clever storytelling technique that I felt really worked.
Most of the Reagan movie 2024 took place in Hollywood and Washington but also had scenes taking Raegan to Reykjavik, Iceland to negotiate with the USSR’s Mikhail Gorbachev. The story revolves around the Cold War on the entertainment and later political stage.
I’d consider this movie a tribute to the life of a well beloved politician.
I’m sure that this movie was difficult to get to my small town for the same reasons movies like Sound of Freedom were intentionally suppressed. It is important to globalists that America is not a strong nation and with an election coming up in November it is imperative that there is no connection made between Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan.
It is as simple as that.
When watching the film it is difficult for me not to feel like there have been a lot of problems with our country for many decades and not feel that excited about the Berlin Wall falling because in retrospect it feels perhaps like the event represents the unleashing of communism rather than its downfall.
For this reason I was glad that Pope John Paul II’s story did not play a major role in the Reagan movie 2024.
The love story between President Reagan and Nancy was touching and left one with the feeling that this is how a husband and wife should interact and support each other. It is unfortunate that he was divorced and remarried as that of course adds a bit of a sour note.
Also never hinted at is Nancy Reagan’s pro-abortion stance and even support of embryonic stem cell research for Alzheimer’s disease, the condition President Reagan eventually is diagnosed with.
Some other characters from this era that were prominent in the film were Mikhail Gorbachev who was well casted and acted as well as Margaret Thatcher. Like I said, I do not personally remember this era so I’m not sure how well these characters matched their real life counterparts but the acting was very good and believable.
The actress that played Margaret Thatcher was quite beautiful and dignified as was Nancy.
A retired Soviet spy narrates the entire movie telling the life of Ronald Reagan, code named “The Crusader”, through his analysis of President Reagan’s character traits. This was a stroke of genius in the script as it is usually quite difficult to tell a story of this large of a scope.
Jon Voight, a Catholic actor and someone who in real life could be called “The Crusader” for his consistent and courageous support of conservatives in America, played the role of this Soviet spy, Viktor Petrovich. His accent was believable but at times was difficult for me to understand.
The story covers Reagan’s early years and shows his struggles as the son of an alcoholic father in a tasteful light. It shows him embracing Christianity and being baptized as a boy followed up by his admirably idealistic youth. The young Reagan is played by another up and coming Catholic actor David Henrie.
The story then shows a forty-something Reagan who is obviously a better politician than an actor. He is elected president of the Screen Actors Guild and fights communist infiltration of the Hollywood unions. Eventually he runs for office as Governor of California and subsequently runs for president in three presidential campaigns.
Opening communications with the Soviets, the attempted assassination, and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall are all highlighted in this film and it comes to a satisfying and emotional end as his battle with Alzheimer’s disease is revealed.
The film was really well treated with real footage from the past and actors that looked strikingly like the figures they were playing. I was really impressed that Reagan looked young at 40 and old by the end of the movie. The same goes for the roles of Nancy Reagan and Viktor Petrovich.
The Hair and Makeup Department did an amazing job on the progression of the years that these actors undergo. It was very believable. Famous Reagan quotes were masterfully weaved into the story line, which I really loved. There were some humorous parts as well as some emotional parts as there wasn’t a dry eye in the theater when we left.
I liked the Reagan movie 2024 as a tribute to an American hero as that is what Reagan is.
I appreciate that I wasn’t told what to think because if they made the Reagan, JPII, Thatcher trio the saviors of Western Culture, I would have hated the film. That is not reality. These political figures may have stemmed the tide but in their own way, they made the same mistake that is killing Donald Trump’s current bid for the presidency. And that is failing to address the moral decay in our society.
Not everything is about the economy and good diplomacy.
Christ must reign and His laws must be followed. Our nation has turned away from many of the commandments of God and we need some moral leadership. Painting this country red like Reagan isn’t going to save us. We must turn back to Christ.
And as for JPII’s role in history, the new springtime is awfully cold.
Kathleen Bowen is a wife and homeschooling mother of ten children. She began in 2013. As her children have grown, they’ve taken her down the path of Catholic moviemaking. Her family’s 5th film is currently in pre-production.
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